Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nigerian Youth for People, What you need to know

Nigerians 45yrs ago we planned to rebuild Nigeria to a place where African can use as a model of growth. I am sad to say that we failed. Nigeria is now going backwards instead. Life in a place where copycatting is the think e.g. Lagos and Abuja. These places have become a rich mans paradise, on a poor mans sweat. I have seen the way international countries build their cities through the work of civil servant, banks, business owners and government officials. The majority of Lagos youths can't seem to find jobs instead, they walk the streets looking for trouble. We have a solution that will put use back on the track of leadership it is social intelligence. Now Nigerian's no longer having to listen to the bells of industrial slavery, but they can tune their ears into the information Age which is just coming to light. This job's will be hard put we as Nigerian youths, and as people will get it done. My hope is that through communicating on the internet, and calling various places in Abuja, Lagos, Delta State, and, etc. We can come to an understanding of where we will be going. Lastly, for though how like things spelled out for them, here is what I am saying. Number one the jobs are not in Lagos, they are in the villages and towns, we have to build from the ground up. Two, politics Government and any official that is in the democracy position is no longer in control, for if the Nigerian government can't lead then the people must lead. Three, Africa is at the four front of this revolution, and I hope we as Nigerian are able to understand the changes of social intelligence, which is happening in this Millennuim. I have told you the future, now it is up to you to research and get understanding for yourself. Pease, and remember knowledge is power.